Serbian orthography is very consistent: approximation of the principle "one letter per sound". This principle is represented by Adelung's saying, "Write as you speak and read as it is written", the principle used by Vuk Karadžić when reforming the Cyrillic orthography of Serbian in the 19th century.Two alphabets are used to write Serbian: a variation on the Cyrillic alphabet, devised by Vuk Stefanović Karadžić, and a variation on the Latin alphabet, devised by Ljudevit Gaj.
Learn Serbian
1. da – yes
2. ne – no
3. Beograd – Belgrade
4. beo – white
5. grad – city, town
6. dobar – good
7. Dobar dan! – Good afternoon!
8. dan –day
9. danas – today
10. Hvala! Thank you!
11. Šta? What?
12. Šta je ovo? What is this?
13. ovo – this
14. Ovo je moja adresa. This is my address.
15. Ovo je moja mama. This is my mum.
16. Ovo je moja baba. This is my grandmother.
17. ja – I
18. Ja sam – I am
19. Srbija – Serbia
20. gimnazija – grammar school
21. škola – school
22. trafika – kiosk
23. banka - bank
24. soba – room
25. mapa – map
26. supa – soup
27. kafa – coffee
28. jaja – eggs
29. flaša – bottle
30. sorta – sort
31. torta – cake
32. terasa – terrace
33. Ja sam Petar. I am Peter.
34. Ja sam Grk. I am Greek. (male)
35. Ja sam Grkinja. I am Greek. (female)
36. Ja sam Srpkinja. I am Serbian. (female)
37. Ja sam arhitekta. I am an architect.
38. Ja sam u školi. I am in the (at) school.
39. Ja sam u sobi. I am in the room.
40. Ja sam u Srbiji. I am in Serbia.
41. ti – you
42. ti si – you are
43. Ti si dobar. You are good.
44. Ovo je tvoja soba. This is your room.
45. Ovo je tvoja karta. This is your card.
46. Ko je ovo? Who is this?
47. Ko je dobar? Who is good?
48. Ko je u školi? Who is at school?
49. Ko je u gradu? Who is in town?
50. Ko je tvoja sestra? Who is your sister?
51. (Ja) volim Beograd. I love (like) Belgrade.
52. (Ja) volim pivo. I like beer.
53. (Ja) ne volim sir. I do not like cheese.
54. Volim te. I love you.
55. Molim te. Please ( I beg you).
56. Ne govorim srpski. I do not speak Serbian.
57. Idem u London. I am going to London.
58. Šta (ti) radiš? What are you doing?
59. (Ti) voliš Beograd. You like Belgrade.
60. i - and
61. (Ti) govoriš srpski i engleski. You speak Serbian and English.
62. pet – five
63. petak – Friday
64. (Ti) ideš u petak. You are going on Friday.
65. telefon – telephone
66. film - film
67. imejl – e-mail
68. kompjuter – computer
69. hotel – hotel
70. balkon – balcony
71. lift - lift
72. auto(mobil) – car
73. autobus – bus
74. tramvaj – tram
75. taksi – taxi
76. aerodrom – airport
77. metro – underground
78. fakultet – faculty
79. univezitet - university
80. plan – plan
81. miting – rally
82. protest – protest
83. jelo – dish
84. jelovnik - menu
85. čaj – tea
86. doktor – doctor
87. profesor – professor, teacher
88. kolega – colleague
89. šef – boss
90. aktivan – active
91. kreativan – creative
92. atraktivan – attractive
93. posesivan – possessive
94. depresivan – depressive
95. inteligentan - intelligent
96. praktičan – practical
97. On je inteligentan i kreativan. He is intelligent and creative.
98. On je dobar, ali posesivan. He is good, but he is possessive.
99. ponos – pride
100. inat – spite